Train Your Mind with Vanessa Faye Foerster

85. Racing without a fear of losing

I'm excited to share today's episode where I bring you inside my way of racing! I tell you what changed for me three years ago and what the single most important Mental Endurance skill that allows me to race without a fear of losing.

The Train Your Mind podcast community is opening this Friday, May 13th 2022! Be on my email list to get an invitation. In this episode, there's also a chance to win two free 1:1 coaching calls with me as we celebrate the one year anniversary of the podcast and launch the community!

Join my email list to get a early access email invitation to the Train Your Mind podcast community here:

For a chance to win two free 1:1 coaching calls with me, send me an email at and tell me what resonated with you the most from today's episode. 

Ready to take this work deeper? Book a consult call with me HERE

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